Monday, August 18, 2008

The LR playground is nearly complete

Yesterday, Dave and I forgoed our traditional Sunday breakfast at IHOP. Instead we dressed in work gear and headed up to the new Liberty Ridge park to volunteer our time.
Luckily the weather was kinder today, not the scorching 98 like the previous day, we even had a light shower that was icy cold and so refreshing. Even though brief it was a welcome treat.

The huge play structure was erected on Saturday, I was hoping to make it to help. But you guessed it, Dave had to work! So Sunday it was too be.
Sunday's focus was to get the cement poured around all the footings...Dave rocked it with the cement mixers and really made a huge impact with the success of the morning.

I was on wood chip duty. I think they had 20t of wood chips to be shoveled. Its amazing what a sweat you work up shoveling. An hour of shoveling and barely a dent was made in the huge mountain of wood chips.

There was a great turn out of volunteers, all residents of Liberty Ridge. It was wonderful meeting and working with our neighbors in this way....Really did have a "raising the barn" feel about it! Working together to better our little community. I look forward to getting to know my neighbors more (especially the wonderful mommy's I met) and now with a great common space to meet, Its been made all the more possible.

Next weekend we have the official opening ceremony for the park. It will be exciting to see who shows up for will have to check back though to find out!

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