Big Boy School is just around the corner! Somethings we are doing to help Harry prepare for Elementary...
Harry wearing his new school bag and being silly at the store
Its so exciting and scary to think of Harry going off into the world of Elementary school. All I want to do is protect him and keep him happy and safe! How can I do that when he is away from me so much of the day...gosh do I sound over protective or what?
In preparation for what is just around the corner I took Harry shopping for his school supplies last night.
Pack of Crayons
Pack of Colored pencils
Kids safety scissors
Glue sticks
A ream of computer paper
Cardboard folders with pockets
Lunch box
School bag
Box of tissues
We had a lot of fun choosing what he wanted, anything Spider man and he was happy, such a boy!
I decided to buy him a second set of everything so we could have it at home for his new desk/homework space....he's growing up and becoming so independent.
All I want to do is cry and snuggle with him like I did when he was my little baby. He is totally ready for school but I'm not there yet! I think this mom needs to prepare herself for big boy school still and learn to let go....OK, so typing that I totally starting tearing up! I hope school is kind to my kind, sweet little guy.
Check out the school he will be going too, I've attached a link to it in the side column.
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