Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lifestyle change....
So I am now working with a personal trainer to get fit and healthy. Now all I need is a chef to cook me nutritious food!
Why is it that when you try and stay on the straight and narrow with good choices ie. healthy and low calorie food. McDonald's always sounds sooo good!!!

Today after running a few errands around the place, we were pretty pressed for time. So McDonald's drive through for lunch it was.....grrr! I can be strong! I can be strong! I'll just get a small snack wrap and NO FRIES!

Well, thanks Harry for being so generous in sharing! "Mommy, here you go I've had enough, you can have the rest" what is one to do when there are fries and nuggets just sitting on the seat next to her, saying "eat me!" OK so the diet was blown today.

I talked to the boys about making changes in our lives, this will mean no McDonald's (except for special occasions) I explained to them that it was not good food and that we need to make healthier choices for our bodies. Harry totally got it and said "is that why you go to the gym?"

Anyway, we got home and Harry too wanted to "make some better changes for his body" he said. He wants to have a strong and healthy body too.....

Harry you make me laugh, all change is good....

My little superhero!

1 comment:

Our growing family said...

good for you! I bet it will all help you to feel wonderful too! =)