Saturday, July 19, 2008

Is it a bird? Is it a Plane......Thunderbirds at the McChord Air Show

Today we spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa out at the annual McChord Air Show....Unreal!
They had so much fun stuff to do and so many planes to see and explore. We got there around lunch time and the crowds were crazy! It took us so long to park and even longer to get out of the parking lot afterwards on the way home. So many people! I would love to see what the crowd count was today.

The main attraction of the day is the aerial acrobatics and plane demonstrations. They did a reenactment of the bombing of Pearl Harbor which was really amazing. Obviously no boats, but the air display simulating what took place that day was incredible. Harry loved the explosions, especially when he saw the skydivers a little later on.
He said "look mommy the Power Rangers are here to save them" from then on, he just wanted to see the power rangers....Harry you are so funny!

But really the best was still to come. The boys were loving the planes, that is until they made the sonic boom noise or flew over the top of us or were just really loud. Harry didn't mind, but Thomas freaked out with the sound! He spent most of the time on my lap with his hands over his ears, poor little sweetie! Mommy will bring the earmuffs next time, I promise.

So anyway, like I was saying the best was still to come......the Air force's Thunder Birds!
Awesome, is really the best word I know to describe them, just amazing!
Dave, Grandma and Harry moved towards the runway to get a closer view, while I stayed back with Thomas and Grandpa. I didn't think Thomas would handle being any closer with the noise. They started up and took off, man they were loud! Just as I thought, Thomas freaked out again, so he snuggled with me and put the blanket over his head. Every time a plane would go over his little arms would cling on to me even tighter, just precious! He was asleep within 5mins, how he slept through that noise I will never know.

We had a wonderful time, such a sight to see and I know Harry will be talking about this for weeks to come. It was perfect day for an airshow, clear skies, sunny with a cool breeze. Could not ask for a more perfect summer day!
I will update some photos from the airshow over the next few days, when ever I get them off my camera!

On the way home we stopped of for dinner at a great little Thai restaurant in Kent called Mauigotai....yummo! Best Green curry chicken ever! The boys even ate their vegetables, we are so going back there!

A great day was had by all, but I am tired so I am going to bed! Big day tomorrow, but you will all have to read about that tomorrow night!

1 comment:

Our growing family said...

WOW! Your boys will never forget this summer-you are creating some great memories!!!