Monday, January 5, 2009

How to get a Six year old to eat Broccoli!

"Mom I hate that green stuff!"

Its always a battle to get the boys to eat their greens, especially Broccoli.

Is it bad for a parent to lie to their child by playing on their strong belief that one day they will grow up to be a power ranger? Or to exploit the fact that your child is obsessed with all things Power Rangers and is easily swayed by any suggestion of PR?
Anyway, what ever works...right?

"Harry, Power Rangers eat Broccoli! This is called Power Ranger Broccoli and its what makes them strong. Eat one and lets see if you grow big muscles?"

Well need I say more...hahaha! Gobble Gobble Gobble!
"Mommy do you see my muscles yet?"

Shock! Do I try it again and push my luck or be content that at least he has eaten one little tree of broccoli. OK, it went better than expected lets try it again....

"Harry, I see your muscle in that arm, but what about the other arm? Eat another piece of Broccoli so your other arm can grow strong too. Your so lucky to have muscles"

With out blinking he says (mind you pushing his bowl in my direction)
"Well, here mommy you have the rest of my broccoli so you can grow muscles too!"
Thought it was too good to be true....LOL!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

oh that's great!!!