Christmas Favorites....

The smell of peppermint
Decorating the house with my favorite ornaments I haven't seen all year
Listening to the rain outside, crossing my fingers for snow
Snuggling under a blanket in front of the fireplace
Counting down the sleeps until Santa arrives
Seeing the excitement in the kids faces just at the mention of Christmas
Watching my boys play with the Nutcrackers
Shopping for those who are special to me
Giving gifts
Making peppermint bark
Eating peppermint!
Hot cup of peppermint tea late at night
Wrapping presents with pretty papers and homemade tags
Hiding presents and hoping little (and big eyes) don't spy them until Christmas morning
Listening for reindeer on the roof
Having our special Santa snow globe out, because Santa is watching...hehehe!
Wearing Christmas Pj's on Christmas eve
Cooking a turkey and eating it for weeks
Drinking mimosa's and eating Eggs Benedict on Christmas morning
Christmas lights around the neighborhood
Rugging up in gloves, hats and scarves
Finding a Christmas card in the mailbox
Having FedEx stop at your house
Listening to the kids sing Christmas carols
Waking up on Christmas morning to the sounds of giggles and squeals
This is my favorite time of year!
Beautiful thoughts, my friend! It's a wonderful time of year.
Snow, snow, snow!!!!
Love it. Makes me feel almost like I'm there. I can remember it all from our stay with you. So it's all in my head. Wonderful memories.
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