Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas eve morning
and the Gingerbread Train!
Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house....
There were two loud and excited little boys eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival! The oldest of the two dancing around the room to Christmas music while the younger followed with exuberant singing..."Jingle bells, Jingle bells, jingle jingle jingle! Oh what fun to jingle all the way, HEY!"

The Christmas spirit was alive and well this morning. (a little too alive, mommy still hadn't had her morning coffee!) What is a mom to do? So to add to the Christmas cheer and have a little "Peace on Earth" we decided it was time to build the gingerbread train....toot toot!

The two excited little boys donned their cooking aprons and sat quietly at the kitchen table, eagerly awaiting the brightly decorated box to open!

Oooooh! Ahhhh! As the pieces were pulled out of the box one by one, Neon colored bags of candy, frosting of white and green and then the gingerbread. They could have devoured it all right then and there with their eyes alone.

The once loud and rambunctious little boys were now patently building a train....ahhh! Merry Christmas to me, silence while I drank my coffee and enjoyed the smiles of by gorgeous boys!

They did great! What is harder for a kid, the actual making of the gingerbread train, balancing the pieces precariously on top of one another or not eating the candy?
But they did it, what restraint! Only 4 candy pieces missing and two ginger breads broken...not too bad! Success!!! Can't wait to eat it =)Here's to our new Christmas Eve tradition of making a gingerbread train, dancing to Christmas music and making up our own Christmas songs....what a fun and priceless morning!

1 comment:

Jill P said...

Cute!! It looks so yummy! What a fun tradtion for the boys.