Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Grass is getting greener
and the plants are budding...but where is the SUN?

I am so excited for gardening season to return. I have been spending my days at home with sick kids, out in the garden while they sleep. Its been so nice to have a little escape and time out for me to enjoy the garden, there is no place I love more on a sunny day. Oh hang on, where is the sun? Its still nice to be outside without rain.
Love this pic of Dave, Thomas and the little yellow safety man. All working hard in the back yard!

March is the perfect month for pruning back shrubs, transplanting and deadheading plants. Seeing what survived and didn't survive the cold frosty winter. Most plants made it, although there are a few that need some lovin!

1 comment:

Ren said...

March sounds great, unless you live in Michigan where the rule of thumb is, "If you want your plants to stay, wait to plant them until after Memorial Day."
Some of the trees here have little buds visible and some of the crocus and hyacinth bulbs are starting to peek out of the ground-but that's it, folks.
Your green yard makes me jealous! ;)