Thursday, February 5, 2009

February...the month of Lock Down!
When illness keeps you house bound.
I could have posted a photo of a sick snotty kid, but felt this one was way cuter!

Poor little Thomas has been sick with a persistent cold that will just not go away! He is now on antibiotics and is starting to feel and look a little better. Its been just on 2 weeks since he went to school last and has missed the last of his winter swimming lessons.

Being house bound with a sick bub has been difficult and quite isolating. The sun has been shinning and the park has been calling. We have really missed our friends lately and look forward to getting back out again.

Needless to say I have tried to make the most of my "quarantine" time, spending most days out in the garden while Thomas is asleep, enjoying the sunshine!

I am just glad to see my little man on the mend!

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